APIError: Operation set creation failure; SQL compilation error; unexpected

I am trying to publish a dataset with rasgo and I got this error. please help

APIError: Operation set creation failure: {‘failure’: ‘{'error': “SQL compilation error:\nsyntax error line 1 at position 20 unexpected '<'.”, 'sql_definition': 'SELECT \nFISCAL_WEEK_OF_YEAR, FISCAL_WEEK_START, FISCAL_WEEK_END, CALENDAR_DATE, FISCAL_YEAR, FISCAL_MONTH_STARTDATE, FISCAL_MONTH \nFROM PROD.JJ.VW_FISCAL_CAL'}’}


Can you please check the version of pyrasgo and make sure you are upgraded to the latest?

Also, can you share the code snippet that you are attempting to run?

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I updated my pyrasgo version and now it works fine